Amherst Fire Control received multiple calls reporting smoke coming from a house at this location. Snyder Second Assistant Chief Brent Hudson arrived on location and found a kitchen fire extending outside a kitchen window to the second floor exterior of the two story wood frame home. Quick action by Snyder firefighters prevented the fire from extending any further. First Assistant Chief Tim Oliver reported the fire was contained to the kitchen with the rest of the home sustaining smoke and water damage. He listed the cause asunattended food on the stove. The occupant who was home at the time of the fire was able to escape safely.
ADDRESS OF INCIDENT: 179 North Union Road.
DAMAGE ESTIMATES: Structure -$100,000
Contents - $60,000
Total - $160,000
CAUSE: Food left unattended on the stove.
INJURIES: One firefighter was treated for a minor injury and remained on scene.