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Grand Island Armed Robbery Suspect.

Anyone recognizing the suspect or has information about the incident is urged to contact the Erie County Sheriff’s Office at 716.858.2903 and refer to CL # 20-00171

Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard reports his office is investigating an armed robbery that occurred on January 1, at approximately 8:15 p.m. in the Town of Grand Island.

At that time, a male entered a 7-11 store at 1787 Love Road.  The suspect displayed a handgun and demanded money from the cashier.  The cashier handed over an undetermined amount of money and the suspect left the store.

The Sheriff’s Office is reviewing security camera footage and is continuing its investigation.

The Sheriff’s Investigative Services Division is requesting the public’s assistance.  If anyone was in-store or in the area at the time the robbery occurred and has information related to the incident are asked to call 716.858.2903 and refer to CL# 20-000171.

Multiple units responded to the area including, K9 teams and Air-1.

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