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Erie County Sheriff's Office Patrol Logs For Marilla and Alden From 05/23 Through 05/29.

Updated: Jun 14, 2020


Deputies responded to a panic alarm at Sunoco A-Plus on Broadway. The clerk was nervous because a male kept coming into the store and acting strangely. Deputies checked the area with negative results. Deputies later found him sleeping on the front steps of the Alden Presbyterian church. The man stated that he fell asleep while waiting for the bus.

Deputies responded to Jane Drive For a complaint of two dirt bikes racing up and down the street. The offenders were at their residence. Patrol advised them to stay off of the roadway and to wear helmets.


First aid responded to an address on Eastwood Road for a person who was having chest pains. The person was transported to the hospital.

A resident of Peters Corners Road reported that someone had stolen a Nintendo Switch from the residence.


Deputies responded to Peters Corners Road for a disturbance. It was a verbal argument between family members. All of the involved parties were advised.


Patrols responded to a 911 hang up call on Walden Avenue. It was accidental.

Deputies responded to a one car accident involving a deer. No one was injured.


A large number of sick animal complaints are being fielded by police. Many animals tha appear ill have distempter. Raccoons can acquire canine distemper, a viral disease that infects foxes, coyotes, skunks, and unvaccinated dogs. Symptoms ofdistemper may include discharge from the nose and eyes, a rough coat of hair, emaciated appearance, and unusual behavior such as disorientation or wandering aimlessly.

With the warmer weather patrols are seeing an increase in illegal activities involving all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes. Neither are allowed on the roadway or on private property that is owned by a third party. Please have a safe and legal riding season.


A resident of Bullis Road reported that his neighbor came onto his property and posted no trespassing signs. The two subjects are arguing over where the property line falls. Although such disputes are not a criminal matter, disputes over property lines are a frequent matter that police have to respond to. The only way to resolve the issue is have the property line resurveyed and make sure it is well staked.

A female caller reported that a homeless male was loitering on West Main Street. The man was sitting on a park bench. Sitting on a bench is not illegal.


A caller reported that two scruffy looking males were walking down Wende Road. The males were walking because their vehicle had broken down. When trying to determine if someone is suspicious ask yourself one question. Is what the person doing a violation of a law? Be a good neighbor and ask the person if they need help or if they need police assistance.

A male stole approximately $1500.00 in merchandise from the Tractor Supply Store on Broadway. An alert clerk got the plate number of the vehicle that the male was driving. Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office are investigating the incident.

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